We were created by God for the purpose of communing with Him. Since the fall, we have been separated from God (dead). “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you once walked…” Ephesians 2:1. This simply means that our greatest problem in life is sin.

The Roman Catholic church fell away from biblical authority and attempted to gain God’s favor through rules, traditions, indulgences, etc. The Bible condemns this, reminding us that man can’t achieve the righteousness God requires, by his own efforts. Jesus offers the perfect, unique solution to the problem of sin. By faith in His work, we are offered the righteousness of Christ, which we receive by grace.

Though the 5 solas were not articulated systematically until the 20th century, the 16th century Protestant Reformation is credited with a vital departure from the unbiblical teachings of the Catholic church when it came to the doctrine of salvation. Today we will discuss Grace Alone as it pertains to salvation.

The Word teaches that no one can be saved by their own efforts. Everything God does, the totality of His work with humanity is His grace. We deserve eternal punishment for our sinfulness, but God’s love comes “while we were still sinners” to offer salvation, God’s unmerited gift of grace.

Titus 2:11-14 tells us that God’s glory is most fully displayed for us at the cross where “the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.” Yet not all are saved. The human attempt to gain right standing before God is called works. “For by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not of yourself, it is the gift of God- not a result of works, so that no one may boast” Eph 2:8-9. While we are not saved as a result of any good works, we are definitely saved “for good works” (faith is not categorized as a good work in the Scriptures).

Understanding that we have been saved by grace alone, through faith, does not allow us to take credit for our salvation. In fact, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” James 4:6. Have you come to the cross in repentance with humility? His grace has appeared bringing salvation, even for you, whoever you may be.

-Emma Maduta


